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  • Writer's pictureIrene Evangelou

7-Minute Guided Meditation to Explore Your Relationship with Anxiety

PEACE with Anxiety Podcast Episode 14

Ep 11: 7 Minute Guided Meditation to Explore Your Relationship with Anxiety

I have a gift for you today: It is a 7-minute meditation that will help you explore your relationship with anxiety.

If you have a tendency to suppress your anxiety, avoid it or fight it head-on, this meditation will help you understand these behaviours. It will offer you an incredible shift in your perspective and it will help you relax, calm your feelings and just let go of any expectations around your anxiety in less than 10 minutes. 

If you listen to this meditation every day for the next 30 days, you will experience an incredible transformation in your perspective!

Press play, close your eyes, and listen to my meditation to explore your relationship with anxiety. 

Click play to listen below:

Now I have a little challenge for you. I want you to try and listen to this meditation every day for the next 30 days, seriously, just press play every single day for the next 30 days, it’s just 7 minutes. And then I want you to come back to this podcast, leave a review and let me know exactly what shifts in your perception have you experienced. Trust you will experience an incredible transformation in your thoughts and feelings around anxiety.

This mediation will be part of the High-functioning Anxiety Series which is a collection of 10 guided mindfulness meditations specifically tailored to support women who experience high-functioning anxiety. So, if you love this, if you loved this meditation, sign up for my newsletter and be the first to know when the series will be available.

You may listen to this episode when you have the space to sit down quietly, away from any distractions.

I will include the link in the show notes. Enjoy this meditation, listen to it for 30 days, and transform your mindset.

7-Minute Guided Meditation to Explore Your Relationship with Anxiety Script

Welcome to the Free from High-functioning Anxiety Series. Today we’re exploring your relationship with anxiety.

Because anxiety in and of itself is not bad or negative. It's often our thoughts and perceptions that shape our emotional responses. Let's begin by finding a comfortable position, whether sitting or standing and keeping our eyes open for this meditation. Take a deep breath in through your nose, and exhale slowly through your mouth. Let's repeat this three times, allowing yourself to feel the weight of your body grounding you in the present moment.

Now, I want you to think about anxiety. Is it a constant presence or something that comes and goes? Visualize it as if it were a part of your daily experience. What sensations arise in your body? What thoughts come to mind?

Now let’s imagine yourself engaging with your anxiety.

How do you typically respond?

Do you try to suppress it, distract yourself, or perhaps confront it head-on?

What feelings are coming up for you?

Take a moment here to examine those feelings.

How is that feeling showing up in your body? Is your jaw clenched? Are your shoulders raised? Is there any tension in your head or hands?

Now Consider what aspects of your relationship with anxiety you can change. Can you adjust your mindset or coping strategies? Are there boundaries you can set or self-care practices you can implement?

How would you feel if you had a self-care routine? Would you feel calm? Would you feel bored?

Take a moment here to examine those feelings. You may want to close your eyes here to focus on those feelings.

You may feel the urge to change your posture or fix your feelings around anxiety

Don’t judge yourself. Simply notice your feelings.

What thoughts did those feelings signal? Was your thoughts about anxiety positive or negative before this meditation?

How did your thoughts or feelings about anxiety change after listening to this meditation?

Now consider parts of this experience that can you control.

Could you adjust your daily routine?

Are there specific triggers or stressors in your environment that you can minimize or avoid?

Could you include perhaps a couple of self-care strategies to make you feel grounded?

Could you identify any patterns or negative thought cycles that heighten your anxiety, and how can you challenge or change them?

Could you give yourself a day off from work?

Could you change the frequency that you turn to work to avoid feeling anxious?

Whatever you choose, remember that you have control over your anxiety habits.

My goal is to help you find confidence and calmness in your life again. If you’re a high-achieving woman, you know how important calmness and confidence can be. This series is a powerful tool that allows you to understand and connect to the anxiety you are experiencing.

Anxiety is an alert mechanism. Nothing more. Nothing less. You’re supposed to listen to it, take appropriate action and not allow it to use you

Now gently bring your attention back to the room. Wiggle your fingers and toes. And when you’re ready, open your eyes.

I encourage you to return to this meditation every time you feel like those negative thoughts about anxiety creep in.

Thank you for listening.

Bye for now.

Need more anxiety support with the guided meditation?

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🔗 Join the FREE 21-Day Relieving Anxiety Meditation Challenge  here 


If you are DONE with anxiety and self-doubt holding you back from living life to the fullest. if you're ready to rapidly shift out of the thoughts and feelings that keep you stuck. If you're ready to create unstoppable self-belief and unshakeable inner confidence. APPLY  TODAY! Special bonuses are limited to the first 5 members

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  • Join the PEACE with Anxiety email community here to find out when the High-Functioning Anxiety Meditation series will be available.


  • Want more meditations? I have created the PEACE meditation membership to help you embrace anxiety mindfully. A library full of mindfulness meditations, ranging from compassion and love to sleep, stress, anxiety, and more. Each week I deliver brand new meditations. The membership is easy to access on your phone, computer or tablet. Click here to join. 


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